Worship Services at Grace

Sundays at 11:00 AM

All of life is worship: There is a very real sense in which we can glorify God individually through whatever we do (see 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Romans 11:36). With that said, we also believe that there is also...

A call to worship together: It was the practice of the early church to meet together on the Lord’s Day for worship (see Acts 2:42 and Hebrews 10:24-25). It is vital to assemble for public worship. Such weekly gatherings are to be marked by the preaching of the Word and the administration of the two sacraments of the church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper (communion), the latter of which we typically celebrate on the first Sunday of each month. 

To that end, we meet for corporate worship at 11 AM each Sunday morning. Because we are Christians, we believe worship must be rendered in Spirit and in truth. Because we are Reformed, we believe in the centrality of the Word of God in worship. Because we are Presbyterian, we believe that God’s Word informs us and prescribes what we are to do in worship. 

Thus, our gatherings are marked by reading the Bible, preaching the Bible, praying the Bible, and singing the Bible. We also sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, (we’re not interested in fighting worship wars and we don’t think something is good or bad simply because it is new or old-- we measure everything we do by Scripture). Our preaching comes largely out of the English Standard Version (www.esv.org) and we listen attentively to a steady diet of expository messages through the 66 books of the Bible with occasional Christ-centered, thematic sermons as well. We believe that God’s Word is true and that it is also applicable to our lives.

Our service reflects a fairly typical Reformed order of worship that usually includes a Call to Worship, Confession of Sin, Assurance of Pardon, the use of one of the creeds (i.e. statements of belief) of the Church, the prayers of God’s people, preaching the gospel, a benediction (which means a “good word" or blessing), and more. In terms of style, the dress of our people varies from casual to business casual on up. Our music is accompanied by a baby Grand piano and we employ the Trinity hymnal and occasional song inserts.

We meet in a lovely, sort of unconventional space in downtown Fuquay (right next door to the Arts Center). Go here for details: 


You can listen to a recent sermon devoted to the topic of worship at https://www.gracefv.com/sermons/sermon/2020-02-16/we-are-gpc-part-1-worship.





church service


Varina Sized

Join us Sunday


Sunday School - 10:00 am


Worship Service - 11:00 am