

Ruling Elders

Kurt Smith has served as an Elder at Grace since its beginning.  A family man, part-time football and track coach, retired government employee, and current professor. Kurt brings a great deal of wisdom born of longevity, compassion and creativity to his service of the church.

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Born and raised in Fuquay, Jonathan Pierce was ordained and installed as a Ruling Elder in December of 2012.  He recently completed his Masters thesis on issues of Bible interpretation and race for Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte campus). Jonathan teaches theology in the community, leads many of our Bible studies, and is also a retired general contractor. These gifts and skills have been invaluable to the life of our congregation.




Mack Stephenson has a contageous joy and a wide-ranging set of skills. 






Dave Rosser

Becky and Dave Kenzie's wedding














Varina Sized

Join us Sunday 

Sunday School - 10:00am

Worship Service - 11:00am