
Worship: Music and Prayer

As we begin week four of our study on worship we will take a look at the biblical warrant for including prayer and singing.

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Verses for Wednesday:


 Matthew 6:9-13, Acts 2:42, Acts:23, Acts 12:5


Psalm 96:1, Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:26, Ephesians 5:18, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, Ezra 3:11, Luke 1:46-55, Collosians 1:15-20, Revelation 4:8


Here is also a link for our website for those interested in dialoguing about the topic of worship in a blog format.  Worship Blog


Enjoy! Grace and Peace to you and yours this week.


*Also a link below on worship.........elements and circumstances.

Worship Elements and Circumstances


Varina Sized

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